
Courses that Interact with the Gadget Garage

Fall 2016

  • LIS 451 A4, Intro to Network Systems, taught by Dr. Martin Wolske. Hands-on introduction to technology systems for use in information environments. One of the major components of this course was a community collaboration project in which students work with the Gadget Garage or another community institution. See a sample project here created by students from the Fall 2016 class.

Fall 2015

  • ARTD 591 PL (grad)/ARTD 391 PL (undergrad), taught by Professor William Bullock. Students from engineering, industrial design, graphic design, architecture, and marketing (business and advertising) worked on projects related to establishing the new Illini Gadget Garage, including the project logo!
  • LIS 451 A4, Intro to Network Systems, taught by Dr. Martin Wolske. Hands-on introduction to technology systems for use in information environments.
  • LIS 490 IL, Informal Learning Spaces and Pedagogies, taught by Dr. Martin Wolske. Explored the design of space and pedagogy for informal learning in libraries, museums, and other public and private collaborative spaces.

iFixit Technical Writing Project

If you’re an instructor or Registered Student Organization representative who would like more information on becoming involved with the iFixit Technical Writing Project, please contact  illinigadgetgarage@gmail.com.