Check out the following web sites for repair guidance on a wide variety of items. This list is not inclusive. If you are aware of a great online repair resource, contact us and we’ll consider it for inclusion on this page. Please note that these links are provided for informational use only, and should not be construed as endorsements by the University of Illinois, the Illini Gadget Garage, the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning, the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center, the iSchool at Illinois, the UI School of Art and Design, or any affiliated entity.
- iFixit repair guides: iFixit is the self-described online “free repair guide for everything, written by everyone.” The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is a participant in the iFixit Technical Writing Project. The following guides were written by UI students as part of a course or special project (maybe we should call ourselves the Fixing Illini?):
- (5 guides associated with Samsung S85 camera)
- (5 guides associated with Olympus Stylus 1030 SW camera)
- (5 guides and 2 wikis associated with HP Pavillion dv6700)
- Fixya: This is an online community with questions and answers about fixing all sorts of things, including electronics, tools, sports equipment, apparel, and more! You can share your knowledge with others. As the site says, “Everyone knows how to fix something.”
- Repair Clinic: Check out the “Repair Help” section for information on appliances, lawn equipment, and heating & cooling.
- Electronics Repair: Blog written by Jestine Yong and chock full of information.
- Future proof: Tim’s laptop service manuals: Another blog written by another repair junkie, with lots of information organized by brand and model.
- Powerbook Medic Mac Repair Guides: This repair company in Alabama has posted various video repair guides for a variety of devices–not just for Macs, despite the page name.
- Repair Universe Repair Guides & Video Take Aparts: Written by this company’s repair technicians