Archived Webinars

WHAT THE TECH? Webinar Series

Computers and smartphones are really complex machines, right? Well, if you know a little bit about them, they’re not all that intimidating. We’re going to break it down for you in our What the Tech series of workshops, providing a basic walk-through of different computer components and what they do.

This series aims to provide basic information on how computers, smartphones, and other electronic devices function in order to help individuals find technology less intimidating. By understanding what the components are and how they work, we can create more informed users and consumers of electronics, dissuading them from the idea that technology has to be complicated and dealt with by professionals making them into more informed consumers, and encouraging them to consider repair as a viable option.

Hardware (Presented July 27th, 2017)

Presenters: Joy Scrogum and Amanda Elzbieciak
This webinar is designed for absolute beginners and focuses on the basic hardware components found in computers, smartphones, and other electronic devices and their functions in making a computer operate properly. Components to be covered include, but are not limited to: displays, processors, hard drives, memory cards, and cooling elements. 

Full Recording: (approx. 43 minutes)


Main presentation: